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tv   CBS Overnight News  CBS  January 29, 2016 3:07am-4:00am EST

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governor appointed skoolt chools emergency manager. last year the emergency manager of flint which is now having a contaminated water crisis is managing detroit's school system which is half billion dollars in debt. . >> shoniqua kemp and two of her children are plaintiffs in the suit, she blames earley. >> this emergency manager stepped into situation where there's no money. >> i'm not a millionaire so things around to make things
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it. >> in a statement he said he is working to reduce the school system's debt. he has 28 days to respond to the lawsuit. >> thank you.
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today the world health organization warned that the zika virus is spreading explosively, by the end of the year could infect 4 million people. it is in 23 countries now, including the u.s., with 31 cases in 11 states and d.c. since last year. so far all of the patients here were infected by mosquitos abroad but that's likely to change. the virus first discovered in the zika forest in uganda in the 1940s is linked to serious birth defects dr. jon lapook has
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>> today the world health organization sounded an a lemaire about the zika outbreak, director margaret clan. >> questions about, we need to get some answers quickly. >> the organization will convene an emergency meeting on monday to plan its response. the zika virus linked to children born with small heads pose several challenges diagnosic tests aren't perfect. there's no treatment and no vaccine vaccine. head of the infection disease branch says outbreak is an epidemic. >> you have multiple countries, in south america and in the caribbeans, so by any definition it is considered a pandemic. >> if you have this much zika in south america and caribbean, sooner or later we will see a local transmission. >> he says controlling the
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advantage. >> most of the united states goes through a real winter, and that's very, very important in containing mosquito-born viruses. >> 35-year-old ana palazzo. she's pregnant with twins, two months ago she cut short a trip to brazil and returned to new york. >> i want my babies to be safe and i was very anxious about it. i didn't feel safe there. >> we are not likely to see the same widespread zika outbreck here in the u.s. than in brazil ill, we can better control mosquitos, but there's a lot of unknowns and the health care community is watching this very carefully. >> dr. jon lapook thanks very much. another rickety boat today filled with migrants sank off of greece, 25 drowned,
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the harsh winter has not escaped war and poverty. volunteers are setting out to holly williams set sail with >> they were so desperate to reach europe that this group of inflatable raft and stranded themselves on a cliff on the >> winter is normally quiet here but this year the rescue teams have been taken by surprise? because in january around 50,000 people made the dangerous crossing. over 20 times more than last january. this month's death toll is more than 170, including some who tried to make the risky voyage at night and drowned when their boat capsized. a swedish team came to the
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people stuck on a cliff who fled syria, iraq, and iran. and amongst them was a tiny baby and a disabled man who was helped down the cliff face. in the safety of the boat, he comforted his one-year-old son. and told us he was a christian and he and his family risked death to flee religious persecution in iran. >> you have 50/50 chance to win or maybe lose your life. >> the swedish rescuers are funded by donations and they're all volunteers. this man normally works in i.t.. >> this is my way to give something to people that is in need. >> the swedish team found these migrants safe on a greek beach but so cold they lit a fire fueled by their life jackets. >> people are coming to support you within the next few hours.
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the migrants from coming, ordinary citizens are dealing with a more pressing need, keeping people alive. holly williams, cbs news. 30 years ago today, i picked up this press pass at the kennedy space center for shuttle mission 51l. i remember being amazed at how cold it was and it turned out america's first in-flight space disaster was triggered by a rubber gasket that froze overnight. we thought space flight was so routine there was even a school teacher aboard challenger, but in a flash we were reminded astronauts are heroes for a reason. we look back. >> the seven astronauts prepared for lift off that morning in
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national audience. mission specialist snare mission specialist ron mcnair's wife was there. >> there was a lot of excitement and camaraderie. hey this is the u.s. >> it appeared to be a text book launch but 73 seconds in, a seal failed on the right rocket booster causing a catastrophic explosion. >> obvious a major malfunction. >> confusion on the ground soon gave way to grief. >> what happened? what's going on? >> ron mcnair had flown on the challenger before. in 1984 he became the second african-american in space, inspiring americans with his sax playing in zero gravity, two years later he was gone in a national tragedy. >> they, the members of the challenger crew, were pioneers. >> what was it like to have the nation mourn with you. >> it was a beautiful part of
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tragedy. >> mcnair honors her husband by encouraging children to study science and technology. the same skill that's helped a man from humble beginnings from the segregated south from the earth from above. >> he described it as so beautiful. lines. peaceful, he said. as he thought the lord meant for us to live. >> here on earth in a grove dedicated to america's space pioneers, words worth remembering. manuel bojorquez, cbs news at the johnson space center in houston. >> and we'll be right back. (cell phone rings) where are you? well the squirrels are back in the attic. mom? your dad won't call an exterminator... can i call you back, mom? he says it's personal
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if you're a mom, you call at the worst time. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. r it's what you do. where are you?r it's very loud there. are you taking at
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it's not always as easy for me as it is for him... it's easy for me cause look at her. aw... so we use k-y ultragel. it enhances my body's natural moisture so i can get into the swing of it a bit quicker. and when i know she's feeling like that, it makes me feel like we're both... when she enjoys it, we enjoy it even more. and i enjoy it. feel the difference with k-y
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a celebrity known by her first name and pushing 60 goes public about plastic surgery. it's not the kind of story we usually report around here but we have to make an exception for barbie. >> the times may have changed. barbie, you're beautiful >> but barbie has changed little with the times. in recent years the icon matel dolls have remained on the shelves and barbie sells declined eight straight quarters.
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touch. >> that typically blond-haired, blue-eyed doll with unrealistic proportions is getting a reality check. matel introduced 23 new dolls with different skin tones and hair colors and today three new body types, curvy, tall, and petite. matel took the new barbies for a test run with a group of four around five years old. >> they don't look like barbie. >> some have brown skin and white skin. >> what they noticed most were different shapes and sizes. >> i'm glad because we all got to pick the barbies that look like us. >> the next step for matel is getting parents to buy in. >> we don't live in a world how barbie used to look but in a world how barbie is now. i think it's a really good thing. >> barbie may be aeless but for
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long-overdue make over. a white man has been cast to play michael jackson, that's next. thing about my baby, don't
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michael jackson sang that it don't matter if you're black or white, but should it matter in choosing someone to play him? i'm going back to indiana >> he was a young black kid from gary, indiana.
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music. billie jean is not my lover >> that has some criticizing why the role of king of pop is being portrayed by white actor to play michael jackson. >> in this latest controversy comes after no actor of color received an oscar nomination for the second year in a row. irdis elba's roll his roll in beast of no nation was likely thought to be a nominee and was told about the racial imagination. >> i knew there wasn't enough for the industry to be seeing me as a lead. >> black or white he hopes his performance as an icon passes. >> the more i looked at michael the more i fell in love with him. >> this isn't the first time
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play people of color. the studio lions gate recently
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we end tonight with the journey of a lifetime, a couple of old salts sailing from norway to maine. they've been at it for months but haven't made much progress so we sent mark phillips to check on them. >> there's a reason stephen weiss and bob shapiro has been called the calamity crew, their boat isn't so much an accident waiting to happen but an accident that keeps happening over and over again.
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firemen had to put out a blaze when a burning candle tipped over as the boat hit the bottom at low tie. or this time when rescue services had to be called out off scotland or here when steve and bob needed help off the coast of ireland. >> how many times have you called for help. >> we called the coast guard 29 times. >> that's just since the boat left norway last summer. norah has needed the help of the norwegian rescue services, it's danish, the scottish, the irish and now the english. >> i bought a boat in norway and i'm sailing it home. >> people are fed up. >> you are not capable of managing a ship, or a boat, shall i say. >> every time he goes out he's risking danger. >> steve from california, and bob from idaho, are both 71
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>> do you think they're taking it seriously enough? >> no. >> no. >> have you ever done a trip of this ambition before? >> no. never done it before. total diaper kid. >> luckily the weather's turn bad and norah is not going anywhere for a while. lucky for steve, and for bob, and for the rescue crews, mark phillips, cbs news, cornwall, england. >> that's the overnight news on this friday. for some of you the news continues for others check back with us a little bit later for the morning news and cbs this morning. from the broadcast center new
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this is the cbs overnight news. welcome to the overnight news. donald trump hogged the spot light at the presidential debhat and wasn't even there. most of the g.o.p. candidates away. joined by huckabee and rick santoro. say. this together.
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special people. this is an honor. this is a really honor. and i didn't want to the be here, i have to be honest. i wanted to be about five minutes away. i've enjoyed that. i've enjoyed that. all of the online polls said i have done very well with that, with the debates, and i've had a kick with it. but you have to stick up for your rights. when you're treated badly, you have to stick up for your rights. you have to do it. and whether we like it or not, whether it's something we want to do or not, and that's what our country has to do. as an example, iran the way they've been treating us with this deal, it's one of the worst deals i've ever seen negotiated under any circumstances and we just take it. we have to stick up for ourselves as people and we have to stick up for our country when we're being mistreated. remember that. and i have to go a little step
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number of hours, actually. they wanted me there. they said how about now. can you come over. i said hasn't it already started. them start and we wanted to be about 15 minutes into that hour so by now they are all tuned in. like the academy awards. [ cheers and applause ] this is the academy awards. this is the academy awards. we're actually told we have more cameras than they do by quite a bit. so that's sort of impressive. and you know what, that's really in honor of our vets. but they have been very nice. they wanted me to go and once this started, it's for our vets, there's nothing i can do. and you know what, i don't know, is it for me personally, a good thing, a bad thing, will i get more or less votes, nobody knows, who the hell knows, but
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going to like it because we raised over $5 million in one day! [ cheers and applause ] over $5 million. so. so, that's not so bad. you know, my whole theme is make america great again. that's what we're going to do. and we wouldn't be here if not for our vets. and our vets are being mistreated. illegal immigrants are treated better in many cases than our vets and it's not going to happen any more. not going to happen any more. so once this ball started rolling we couldn't stop it. literally this took place in less than 24 hours to do this. said, i won't do the debate out of respect for myself. i won't do it because but i love iowa.
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i didn't know we were going to raise $5 million, we actually raised close to $6 million to be honest. but you know what i'm talking about. two years ago -- yes? [ inaudible question ] [ chanting ]. it really is too crazy, right. you know, i tell the story, i love protests at my rallies >> as for the rest of the republican field, they spent much of the night blasting donald trump. >> senator cruz before we get to the issues let's address the elephant not in the room, donald trump has chosen not to attend this evening's presidential debate what message do you think it
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>> let me say i'm a maniac and everyone on this stage is stupid, fat, and ugly and then you're a terrible surgeon, now that we've gotten the donald trump portion out of the way. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] i want to thank everyone here for showing the men and women of iowa the respect to show up and make the case to the people of this state and the people of the country why each of us believe we would make the best commander in chief. [ cheers and applause ] >> the campaign in a sense turned into the battle for the soul of the republican party. establishment versus grass roots. pragmatic versus principle. you say you can unite all of the factions inside the g.o.p., how? >> let's begin by being clear what this campaign is about. it's not about donald trump. he's an entertaining guy. greatest show on earth. this campaign is about the
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and a president that destroyed many of the things that made america speshlg. america special. america. barack obama wants america to be more like the rest of the world. we don't want to be like the rest the world. we want to the be the united states of america. [ cheers and applause ] and that is why hillary clinton cannot win this election. hillary clinton this week said barack obama would make a great supreme court justice, the guy who systematically violates the constitution on the supreme court. i don't think so. if i'm our nominee i will unite this party and we will defeat hillary clinton and turn this country around once and for all after the seven years that is barack obama. >> governor bush it is hard for someone of your pedigree to avoid being called establishment. isn't that part of the problem, in this race, that
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mainstream republican vote and thereby possibly handing this nomination possibly over to an anti -- republican candidate. >> we're just starting. why not let the process work. i trust everyone to start this process out. i kind of miss donald trump. he was a teddy bear to me. we always have such a loving relationship in these debates, and tweets, i kind of miss him. wish he was here. everyone else was in protection program. when i went after him on behalf of what the republican cause should be, conservative principles, believing in limited government, believing in accountability. and leading by fixing things that are broken. my dad, greatest man alive, was president of the united states and my brother who i adore, a fantastic brother was president, fine, i'll take it, i guess i'm part of the establishment because barbara bush was my mom. i'll take that too. but this election is not about our pedigree but about people
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>> the cbs overnight news will be right back. olay regenerist renews from within... plumping surface cells for a dramatic transformation without the need for fillers. your concert tee might show your age...your skin never will. olay regenerist. and try regenerist micro-sculpting eyeswirl. it instantly hydrates to plump and lift. you think you're going? work, with you. it's taco tuesday. man: you're not coming. i took mucinex to help get rid of my mucusy congestion. od all day. mucinex keeps working. not 4, not 6, but 12 hours.
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i've smoked a lot and quit a lot, but ended up nowhere. now i use this. the nicoderm cq patch, with unique extended release technology, helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. i want this time to be my last time. that's why i choose nicoderm cq. i did everything i could to make her party perfect. almost everything. you know, 1 i n 10 houses could get hit by an expensive septic disaster. but for only $7 a month, rid-x helps break down waste. avoid a septic disaster with rid-x. the more you move the more you sweat degree's motionsense technology keeps you fresh with every move. it has unique microcapsules that contain fragrances. friction breaks the capsules... ...releasing bursts of freshness all day. whether you're meeting a
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...grabbing a bite... ...or heading out for the night. motionsense, protection to keep you moving. degree, it won't let you down. on ominous warning from the world health organization which explosively through the western hemisphere. it is carried through mosquitos and can make healthy people sick with fever and rash and for pregnant women, could lead to miscarriage or severe birth defects, ten cases already this month come from people who travelled to caribbean or latin america. we spoke to director of national institute offal ergy and infectious diseases.
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suspected cases of babies born with brain defects in brazil, the question everyone is asking is could this effect the united states. >> we do not believe that there will be a major outbreak of zika in the united states, we don't want to be cavalier about it. we want to take it very seriously but if zika acts like the other types of viruses that are mosquito born that we have had experience with, we will see little mini outbreaks like in florida or texas that can be well-controlled with mosquito vector control. hopefully we will not see anything worse than that. but we have to be very vigil ant. but we have to be very vigilant again we don't expect a major outbreak in the united states. despite the fact there's considerable problems in south america, particularly in brazil where there is a widespread outbreak of zika. >> i know is overwhelmingly spread by mosquitos but at least one case come from cdc it was spread another way are you concerned about that.
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mosquitos bite. there's no major of way of spreading this. right now the considerable thing you're well aware is the devastating devastating sequela you see in pregnant women to avoid unless absolutely necessary travel to those regions where you have the local spread and outbreak of zika. >> important information, doctor, thank you so much. >> you're quite welcome. a new report shows women are often charged more than men, on average women's version of services cost about 7% more than for men. michelle miller thought it was more than that and did her own investigation.
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female and one male producer visited a handful of drycleaners in new york city and brought in identical shirts in comparable sizes to request the same services. our female producer was charged at least twice as much. in more than half the businesses visited. in one she was charged 7.50 and her male counter part -- more. it happens at more than just dry-cleaners the new york city study found differences in clothing like these jeans, care products like razors and toys like these scooters, women paying more than men 42% of the time. todd marks, senior product editor for consumer reports has been researching this issue for years.
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you're being ripped off or being taken advantage of as a woman because you've become so conditioned to pay more. >> it's these pressers used after clothing is dry-cleaned. they are designed for men, but owner of next cleaners says it is not a justification. >> having a shirt laundered and machine-pressed does not exist for women's tops. >> just for men. >> it's only for men. >> because the shirts just don't fit. >> that's right. because of that women are getting penalized for that. >> while there is no federal law that bans this practice, gender price gouging is illegal in new
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california outlawed it after a study found gender tax cost each woman $1351 annually but no laws aimed at preventing it in retail. >> we can't legislate differences in products because it's about the market, there's a long supply chain and we don't really know who is responsible for it. >> he's a trade lawyer who says part of the problem is extra cost of women's products tacked on from the get go, women's clothing, shoes, and gloves often enter the country with higher import tax than mens. one example men's sneaker taxed at 8.5% and women's 10%. >> it might be $5 you pay uncle sam but by time it hits retail could be $10 or $13. >> this dates back to late 1800s when women's hats and gloves
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and he says ultimately it will be consumers who hold the key to reform. >> it has to be a market response. a written campaign. vote with your purse and pen. that's what's going to change it. well the national zoo in washington reopened after being hit by nearly two feet of snow in blizzard of 2016 the storm turned this panda into an internet star. january >> it took the zoo four days to weather the storm. during that time this panda had a bunch of fans show up hoping to get a glimpse of the panda is reminding us snow can be a lot of fun. >> with much of the east coast socked by winter storm this was a jolt of joy a giant panda having one heck of a snow day. he goes out and goes crazy. >> the facebook video of him
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60 million views. brandy smith is charge offer the animal care at the zoo. >> he is 19-year-old bear. but acts like a cub the first snow fall but second and third snow, he's a little less interested. >> sure enough by third day the snow was hold hat even though he delighted his fans. >> came face to face with online sensation. we showed his video to these three. [ giggling ]. >> snow is panda time. it's their natural habit. around this time last year they had another big storm. >> this is the best thing for pandas, it's their favorite time of year. as much as we're hating it, they're enjoying it. >> not every animal appreciates the white stuff like these
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>> it could be too much. this pool is heated but can't keep their feathers from freezing. >> so during the blizzard the birds moved inside, a perfect opportunity for a zoo biologist to snap a selfie with a flock of the flamingos. these monkeys frnd and fair trying to protect the animals and still let them have a little fun. >> the cbs overnight news will be right back. and getting some rest. and you can combine these simple remedies with airborne. no other leading immunity brand gives you more vitamin c. plus it has a specially crafted blend of 13 vitamins, minerals and herbs. so when you want to support your immune system, take airborne,
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it's not always as easy for me as it is for him... it's easy for me cause look at her. aw... so we use k-y ultragel. it enhances my body's natural moisture so i can get into the swing of it a bit quicker. and when i know she's feeling like that, it makes me feel like we're both... when she enjoys it, we enjoy it even more. and i enjoy it. feel the difference with k-y ultragel. check this out, bro. what's that, broheim? i switched to geico and got more. more savings on car insurance? yeah bro-fessor, and more. like renters insurance. more ways to save. nice, bro-tato chip. that's not all, bro-tein shake. geico has motorcycle
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oh, that's a lot more. oh yeah, i'm all about more, teddy brosevelt. geico. expect great savings and a whole lot more. janet? cough if you can hear me. don't even think about it. i took mucinex dm for my phlegmy cough. yeah...but what about mike? it works on his cough too. cough! it works on his cough too. mucinex dm relieves wet and dry coughs for 12 hours.
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the day of reckoning is upon us. my brothers what is life if not to die a glorious death. >> that's one of the commercials you will see next week when the superbowl returns to cbs. it's not from a giant corporation but rather a small mom and pop coffee company that was lucky enough to win a prize. michelle miller has the story. >> intuit quickbooks sought submissions from small businesses nationwide for a chance to get big business exposure and that dream came true for death wish coffee. a company that recently expanded to 11 employee to take on its greatest challenge. >> we started in unit 500 over here it was only 1500 square foot warehouse. >> every year you've taken on
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>> yep and then the next year we moved into this one. >> something's brewing at death wish coffee. call it a taste for success. >> smooth. >> we started in 2012, every year year after year since we've doubled in size in revenue. >> michael brown started with a small upstate new york shot in shop in 2008. >> my customers came in and said hey, mike, give me strongest cup of your coffee and that got the gears turning, although we had strong coffee the dark roast weren't always the most caffeinated. >> fast forward to 2012 and the birth of death wish coffee. >> it's like mike's baby, to watch that baby grow and develop is a cool thing. >> he hired his childhood friend as production manager because that's what small business owners do. >> what did you know about
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this venture? >> i knew i liked it. >> you like coffee. >> yeah. >> with team trust and knack for promotion death wish became a quick hit on the online marketplace and is best seller on amazon. >> we are selling upwards of a thousand pounds a day. >> that was all before this. >> congratulations. >> like, for real. >> winning a small business contest for a superbowl ad sponsored by intuit quick books. >> it will fast forward us ten years down the road in 30 seconds. >> he ramped up production, and a team from intuit quick books and rpa advertising set out to produce the 30 second superbowl
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>> death wish coffee is a revolutionary brand and the ad brings to life the spirit of that brand. >> after this commercial how many do you expect to sell. >> we are attempting to ship quarter million pounds for the day of the big game. >> with roasting operations going 20 hours a day, michael brown is feeling good about meeting demand. >> this is a big moment for mike and his team. >> so is his small business sponsor. >> we are very confident death wish can handle this. they are on the cusp of a huge moment and have been preparing for years. >> they are very hands on. pretty much every step of the way. i get e-mails daily. they don't want this commercial to be a hindrance to the business, they want it to help the business. >> my brothers, what is life, if not to die, a glorious death. >> this superbowl ad will be seen by more than 100 million people. and for the team of death wish a
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are likely among them. >> and welcome death. >> death wish coffee, fiercely caffeinated. when the engines failed on the plane i was flying, i knew what to do to save my passengers. into depression, i didn't know how to help him. when he ultimately shot himself, he left our family devastated. don't let this happen to you. if you or a loved one is suicidal,
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no matter how hopeless or helpless you feel, with the right help, you can get well. (franklin d. roosevelt) the inherent right to work is one of the elemental privileges of a free people. endowed, as our nation is, with abundant physical resources... ...and inspired as it should be to make those resources and opportunities available for the enjoyment of all... ...we approach reemployment with real hope of finding a better answer than we have now. donate to goodwill where your donations help fund job placement and training
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british tv is putting together a movie about the life and times of michael jackson but eyebrows were raised on both sides of the atlantic when it was announced the star of the show joeseph fiennes who is white. he gamed fame in the movie "shakespeare in love" but playing the king of pop, well, we have the story. >> when oscars went another year without nominating black actor. the decision sparked widespread criticism. now a legendary pop entertaining played by a white actor.
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he was shocked by the casting. >> it appears one british tv company may have taken these words to heart. joeseph fiennes is best known for playing william spakes spear in the movie shakespeare in love >> i'm a white middle class guy i'm as shocked as you might be. >> definitely had an issue, a pigmentation issue, i do believe that. he was probably closer to my color than his original color. it's in no way malicious but actually endearing. the more i looked at michael the more i kind of fell in love with him. >> the decision has raised eyebrows from those both confused and upset by the casting, coming at a time when scarity of roles from minority actors is under scrutiny, when
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actors of color nominated. in 1993 michael jackson spoke to oprah winfrey. >> there was a story about you wanting to have a little white boy play you in a pepsi commercial. >> that is so stupid. that's the most ridiculous, horrifying story i've ever heard. it's crazy. i mean, why? number one it's my face, me when i was little, why would i want a white child to play me. i'm a black american. i'm proud to be a black american. >> that's the overnight news for this friday. for some of you the news continues for others check back later for the morning news and
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